The Exhibition Open Calls are operated by Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop, Unit 1, 1 Bard Road, London W10 6TP.
The competition is open to any UK or international artist, artist group, and curators whose primary activity is in any artistic medium (like, but not limited to painting, drawing, sculpture, design, conceptual, film, photography, inter-disciplinary, cross-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary work). Employees (and their families) of Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop and anyone connected with the competition are not eligible.
- The minimum age to participate is 18 years old.
- Applicants are responsible for obtaining their own health & travel insurance and visa for entry into the United Kingdom. Further information
All applicants will be required to complete an application through the online application form only. The named Applicant will take responsibility contractually as well as physically and will be the main point of contact. This application comprises of the following:
- a completed application form
- an proposal of no more than 300 words
- a short biography of participating artists and curator (s) no more than 300 words
- cv with recent and relevant exhibitions, awards, etc of participating Artist/Curators.
- 10 images of original works (or related documentation) by the artist.
- an application fee of £35 payable by Paypal. Use your full name for reference on payments.
Applicants from and living in the ‘Least Developed Countries’, ‘Other Low Income Countries’ and ‘Lower Middle Income Countries and Territories’ on the DAC list are exempt from payment. Applicants from the ‘Upper Middle Income Countries and Territories’ on the DAC list do have to pay the application fee. Please see the DAC list attached here.
By submitting an application, the entrant promises that all of the information comprised in the application is correct. The entrant also promises to comply with these rules and any other competition requirements specified by Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop (whether on its website or otherwise) and Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop reserves the right to exclude any entry which in its opinion does not comply.
Only one entry per person is permitted. All applications must be made through the Application page of the Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop website. No hard copy applications will be accepted. Proof of submission is not proof of receipt. Applications plus payment must be received by the closing date specified. No responsibility can be accepted for entries which are incomplete, delayed, damaged, wrongly delivered or not received for whatever reason.
The submitted works must be entirely the entrant’s original idea and creation and they must not infringe someone else’s copyright or other intellectual property rights. The submission must be lawful, it must not be offensive, obscene, racist, insulting, discriminating or otherwise objectionable and it must not contain any form of advertising.
Entrants grant Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop the unrestricted right (without royalty) to reproduce images of submitted artworks in any publication in connection with the Residency Programmes and/or Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop’s Open Call.
The selected applicant decision is final. If Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop is unable to contact any short-listed artist or winner via the email address supplied by the entrant, the short-list position / prize lapses and Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop reserves the right to select alternative applicants.
Selected applicants will be contacted directly. The names of the winner and will be published on Social Media and elsewhere in competition publicity.
The selected artists are expected to sign agreements governing the conditions applicable to the Exhibition opportunity respectively and Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop reserves the right to remove the opportunity or withdraw the selection if the relevant agreement is not signed.
In all matters arising in connection with the competition, Unit 1 Gallery |Workshop’s decision shall be final.
The entrant will be liable for any reasonably foreseeable loss or damage suffered by Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop arising from the artist’s breach of this agreement.
Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop reserves the right to cancel this competition or alter these rules if it considers that it has good reason to do so.
These rules are governed by English law and any disputes will be decided only by the courts of the United Kingdom.
1. The Exhibition Opportunity can only be held, if the lead applicant has signed and submitted the “Terms and Conditions”, as well as the “COVID-19 Liability Release Agreement”.
2. It is the responsibility of the applicant to remind and enforce all guests and visitors, as well as elected helpers, to confirm to the COVID-19 procedures set up on the premises according to Government guidelines.
3. Installation hours are by mutual agreement.
4. The gallery hours are Tuesday to Saturday 11 am to 6 pm. The gallery hours are by appointment only and can be booked online or via A link for bookings will be made available.
5. The applicant selected must commit to invigilation for the majority of the exhibition period and attend during opening times to be available to public visits.
6. Key access is provided by a lock box to the left of the door. A code will be available separately. Please be aware that security is a priority at the space and respect for keeping the space locked and looked after is crucial.
7. Toxic and/or dangerous products as well as heavy machinery are generally forbidden, applicants should ask the permission of the gallery before using any product that could be considered toxic and /or dangerous by the common sense.
8. Artists must leave studio rubbish each Saturday evening in the garbage area (outside the gallery by the entrance).
9. Exhibition installations are the sole responsibility of the selected applicant – Unit 1 Gallery|Workshop will assist and aid, but the exhibition must be the responsibility of the selected applicant. De-install is also to be connected within the timeline and the exhibition space returned to clean and made -good condition.
10. The selected applicant agrees to make good the exhibition space and reinstate any installation impact to a ready-to-exhibit standard. This includes filling holes and painting the walls.
11. Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop can not store work in advance or after the exhibitions dates. Materials and works must be removed within the agreed dates. Final collection of all works after the show ends. The premises have to be cleared of rubbish by the end of the day.
12. Common areas have to be kept clean, tidy and clear of rubbish, including but not limited to the kitchen, sinks, toilets etc.
13. The selected applicant agrees not to do anything which may be a nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to the staff (including noise levels, scents and other sensory disturbances).
14. The selected applicant agrees to be responsible for the equipment and goods provided by Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop and to replace and/or reimburse for them in case of loss or breakage.
15. No alternation to the space is allowed without the permission of gallery staff.
16. The selected applicant agrees to not smoke in or adjacent to the gallery space. Smoking is allowed at the far wall of the carpark opposite the gallery entrance.
17. The selected applicant agrees to allow the gallery to use images of exhibited artworks for promotional purposes. This also applies to promotional use of the selected applicants name, portrait, information and biography.
18. The director’s studio and office are to be respected as a private space and are not to be accessed without notice by Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop staff. Requests and questions will be send via agreed WhatsApp number.
19. The Open Call Exhibition is a curated exhibition and it, including associated events, happens in cooperation with Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop associates.
20. The works exhibited during the exhibition period are available and for sale as part of the exhibition. The pricing and share of proceeds will be agreed on a case by case basis and will happen in cooperation with Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop associates.
21. The selected applicant agrees to invigilate during the Open Call Exhibition and agrees to set times of availability.
22. The gallery and working studio space is open to the public and you will be working side by side together.
COVID-19 Liability Release Agreement
I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that the government and many other public health authorities still recommend practicing social distancing.
I further acknowledge that Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop and Stacie McCormick have put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
I further acknowledge that Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop and Stacie McCormick can not guarantee that I will not become infected with the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, staff, and other participants and their guests.
I voluntarily seek services provided by Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop and Stacie McCormick and acknowledge that I am increasing my risk to exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that I must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending any activities on the premises.
I attest that:
* I am not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
* I have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days. * I have not traveled to a highly impacted area within the United Kingdom in the last 14 days.
* I do not believe I have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/ COVID-19.
* I have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/COVID-19 and not yet cleared as non contagious by state or local public health authorities.
* I am following all government-recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting my exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
I hereby release and agree to hold Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop and Stacie McCormick harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of the gallery, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any activities carried out by and at Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop and Stacie McCormick. I understand that this release discharges Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop and Stacie McCormick from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop and Stacie McCormick with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any activities carried out by and at Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop and Stacie McCormick.
This liability release agreement extends to Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop and Stacie McCormick together with all owners, partners, and employees.
Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop represents and warrants that it has entered into a public liability insurance contract with respect to the business carried out at 1 Bard Road, London, W10 6TP. The Parties are each, individually, responsible for any of their own negligent actions or omissions, causing physical harm to people or damage to property. All individuals, products and stock delivered and brought to the gallery by the artist during installation and de-install (see dates above) are expressly the responsibility of the artist. Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop will not be held liable for damage, loss or theft. The artist accepts personal liability for any injury to themselves or their elected help as well as invited guests whilst in and adjacent to the gallery space for the duration of the aforementioned timeframe. The artist accepts to make no claim upon Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop and its founder Stacie McCormick and further accepts that the nature of installing works require risks that the artist accepts on behalf of themselves and their elected helpers. Any and all accidents or injury that occur will be at the understood and accepted responsibility by the artist. The artist understands that the space has two floors and upstairs is no access without notice from the director or other staff, with regard to security and privacy. Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop has an inventory of fitting and fixtures and equipment in house and it is understood by the artist that there will be no use without notice and nor will the artist and their elected help and guests put any of the inventory, fitting and fixtures at risk.
Making Good
By the end of the deinstall period it is the selected applicant’s responsibility to make good the venue. This includes handing back the property in a clean state, removing all rubbish and packaging material from the property and restoring the property to the original condition at the start of the residency and installation period, minus any wear and tear that may result from the normal use of the premises.
Exhibition Cancellation Policy
Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop reserves the right to cancel an exhibition without notice if the nature of the event or the works on display are deemed to be illegal, obscene or offensive.
Parking and External Space
The artist and their elected helpers will utilise the parking space (1) for drop off and installation purposes only and will respect the other tenants of 1 Bard Road. The security gate will remain closed and will need to be securely closed at the end of day to be the responsibility of the agreed attending individual(s) (as authorised, reviewed and agreed in advance with all parties).
Financial Agreement/Donation of work
The selected applicant and Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop agree that the proceeds of the sale of works (works produced and shown in association with the residency program, see List of Works under Consignment) of the artist exhibited at Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop will result in shared proceeds. Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop agrees to pay the artist 50% from all sales from this named show only. The promised share will be negotiated on a case by case basis and agreed in advance of exhibition installation.
Promotional use of documentation material
The selected applicant is invited to use promotional material, including professionally shot images of the artworks and exhibition on all media channels. The artist agrees to caption all media associated with the Residency Programme, including the documentation of works, the exhibition, work in progress and associated events with, if applicable, the correct Image Courtesy of “Image Courtesy of Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop” and to name and link/tag Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop in an identifiable and sufficient manner, when used in any media outlets, such as, but not limited to: print and online media, any form of Social Media, the artists portfolio and other self promotional publications (such as, but not limited to, interviews and podcasts), catalogues, and research publications, as well as any form of video/digital content.